Welcome to N.W. Martin's Shop & Yard Inventory page, your go-to destination for high-quality roofing materials and supplies. Our commercial roofing company proudly offers a wide selection of products available for purchase in our shop and yard. Find all the essential roofing materials you need for your projects conveniently in one place. Start browsing now!

Yard Slate for Sale

Yard Slate for Sale

Yard Slate for Sale

Yard Slate for Sale
Our roofing shop offers a wide variety of slate options, including different colors, sizes, and textures. This allows you to find the ideal slate that aligns with your aesthetic preferences and complements the style of your property.
We pride ourselves on sourcing and providing top-quality slate that meets high standards. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive a product that is durable, reliable, and built to last.
Some of the slate we offer include Hendricks Tile, Spanish Tile, EcoStar, and much more all throughout the yard!
Experience the advantages of our premium slate and exceptional customer service by visiting our shop today.
Metal Decking
Metal decking has an extended lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance. This translates into long-term cost savings for you.
Here are some details of this particular metal decking:​​
Size- 3' x 25'​
Thickness- 18 Gauge
This heavy metal roof decking is suitable for various roofing applications, including residential, commercial, and industrial projects. It can accommodate different roof designs and configurations, allowing for flexibility in your construction or renovation plans.
Experience the advantages of our premium products and exceptional customer service by visiting our shop today.

Heavy Metal Decking

Heavy Metal Decking

Heavy Metal Decking

Heavy Metal Decking

Roofing Metal Panel

Roofing Metal Panel

Roofing Metal Panel

Roofing Metal Panel
Metal Panels
These particular metal panels are lightweight and easy to install, resulting in shorter construction time and labor costs. Their interlocking design ensures a secure fit, providing peace of mind and efficient installation.
They can withstand harsh weather conditions, including rain, wind, and snow, while maintaining their structural integrity over time. Investing in metal panels ensures a roof that will last for years to come.
By purchasing metal panels for roofing from our roofing shop, you gain a durable, low-maintenance, energy-efficient, and aesthetically pleasing roofing solution. Experience the benefits of our premium products and exceptional customer service by visiting our shop today.
Carlisle Insulation
Carlisle roofing insulation is designed to provide excellent thermal insulation, helping to regulate temperature and reduce energy consumption. It keeps your building cool in hot weather and warm during colder months, resulting in energy savings and increased comfort.
Here are some details for this insulation:​​
Board size- 48"x48"​
Thickness- 2.0"
25 PSI
9,126 SQ feet available
By purchasing Carlisle roofing insulation from our roofing shop, you gain access to superior thermal performance for optimal pricing! Please call us Today for any questions!​​​​

Carlisle Insulation

Carlisle Insulation

Carlisle Insulation

Carlisle Insulation

SBS Sheets
SBS sheets offer commercial property owners a reliable, durable, and flexible roofing solution that provides long-term protection. SBS sheets are a popular choice in commercial roofing due to their exceptional performance and longevity.
SBS sheets offer superior waterproofing properties. The rubberized asphalt formulation ensures a secure and watertight seal, effectively protecting the underlying structure from water infiltration and damage.
We also have Base & Cap sheets readily available for purchase! When you choose to purchase SBS sheets from our roofing shop, you can enjoy a range of benefits
Experience the advantages of our high-quality products and exceptional customer service by visiting our shop or contacting us today.
Flat Roof Membrane
Flat roof membranes are specifically designed to provide exceptional waterproofing capabilities, ensuring your roof remains leak-free and protected from water damage. They offer reliable protection against rain, snow, and other weather elements.
Our roofing shop offers a wide range of flat roof membranes suitable for various applications and roofing systems. Whether you have a commercial, residential, or industrial project, we can provide the right membrane that fits your specific requirements and preferences. We are in stock of EPDM, TPO, and PVC.​​
By purchasing a flat roof membrane from our roofing shop, you'll save tons of money on high end products! Visit our shop or contact us today for more information.​​

Different flat room membranes such as EPDM, TPO, and PVC.

Different flat room membranes such as EPDM, TPO, and PVC.

Different flat room membranes such as EPDM, TPO, and PVC.

Different flat room membranes such as EPDM, TPO, and PVC.

Please give us a call or come visit the N.W. Martin shop to discuss pricing for your desired product!